+Chapter 4+


I poured myself another cup of coffee and chewed a Wonderbar. 1:30 am. It was officially Christmas day. (again) I reached into the cupboard and pulled out a Nutrigrain bar. Anything to keep myself from overcoming the sleepiness definitely kitting.

Suddenly, I heard my parents bedroom door open. I flicked off the TV an ducked behind the couch a moment before my mom appeared, presents in hand. She carefully placed them under the tree before heading back off to bed.

I counted to 60 before jumping out from behind the couch and rifling through the presents. "Dammit, where is it!?" I thought to myself. I picked up a rather large present for Zac (which would be, when he opened it, a new CD player) and there it lay. The damn necklace that was the cause of all this! I carefully carried it up to my room and placed it underneath the mattres. Finally, I could sleep.


"Santa came! Santa came!" The excited shriek no longer startled me awake. I was used to it. I rolled out of bed, shoved my brothers awake, and went downstairs for French toast. These meals were getting boring once repeated. I'd die for some pancakes or a simple bown of cereal!

When present time rolled around (for the 4the time) we all gathered under the tree. Finally, my mom searched underneath the tree. She came up with a puzzled look on her face.

"Bwahahahahaha!" I thought truimphantly. "Die, necklace, die!!!"

"What's wrong, mommy?" Mackie asked.

"There was another present here for Avery." My mom explained. "But I can't seem to find it. Oh well, I supposed it'll turn up somewhere."

"What was it?" Avery asked.

"It was a special wishing necklace." She explained. "You write your wish on a tiny piece of paper, and then it'll come true."

"Can I wish now and write it down when we find it?" Avery asked.

"I'm sure that would be fine, dear." My mom smiled.

"Oh no! Please God, oh please, oh please, oh please....." I prayed silently.

"I wish this Christmas would last forever!" Avery announced proudly.

I sighed. And then the clouds parted and God said, 'I hate you, Taylor Hanson!' (*A.N-Anybody seen Little Rascals? *LoL*)


|| Chapter 5 || || Index || || Sarah’s Stories ||
Green Eggs And Hanson

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